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22nd March, 2024

Minister for Mental Health, Ageing and Multicultural Affairs, Minister Ingrid Stitt
Legal Tech Helper presentation

Bilingual online tool built by Legal Tech Helper launched by Victoria’s Minister for Mental Health, Ageing and Multicultural Affairs

Trying to find mental health and legal online information can be overwhelming. This is compounded when English is a person's second or third language.

This is why Legal Tech Helper built the bilingual Pathways to Wellbeing in collaboration with Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association (AVWA), Mental Health Legal Centre (MHLC) and CQ University for the Victorian Vietnamese community to:

  • find authoritative and trusted information and
  • to quickly find the services they need.

Given some people may be recent arrivals, and people often have complex and intersecting needs, the pathways include:

  • an overview of how the Victorian mental health system and legal system works, and
  • support available for people to engage with services more effectively.

The bilingual Pathways to Wellbeing tool was officially launched by Victoria’s Minister for Mental Health, Ageing and Multicultural Affairs, Minister Ingrid Stitt, at Kensington Town Hall in Victoria. The project was funded by the Victorian Department of Health’s Diverse Communities Grants Program.

Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association CEO (Nicky Chung) with project team members and guests

12th February, 2024

Legal Tech Helper helps improve mental health literacy in CALD communities

Legal Tech Helper is proud to have co-designed and built a new web application Pathways to Wellbeing in collaboration with Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association (AVWA), Mental Health Legal Centre (MHLC) and CQ University.

Pathways to Wellbeing aims to help improve mental health literacy and positive help-seeking behaviour in the Victorian Vietnamese community. As a cohort, Vietnamese people have a lower-than-average uptake of mental health support. Mental health services, including mental health legal services, need to be inclusive and accessible to all.

Pathways to Wellbeing aims to help improve mental health literacy and positive help-seeking behaviour in the Victorian Vietnamese community. As a cohort, Vietnamese people have a lower-than-average uptake of mental health support. Mental health services, including mental health legal services, need to be inclusive and accessible to all.

This project builds upon Legal Tech Helper’s partnership with Mental Health Legal Centre and CQ University through licensing and adapting relevant legal content from MHLC’s Online Help service, and designing and creating new research-informed content targeted at the Victorian Vietnamese community.

This web application is scalable, replicable, and 100% shareable with other culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The project shows how legal technology can be used and adapted by organisations to scale up and reach more people and help address unmet legal and mental health needs.

Pathways to Wellbeing is currently available in English. The bilingual version will be launched soon.

1st November, 2023

Legal Tech Help supports people navigating new mental health laws

Legal Tech Helper worked with Victoria’s Mental Health Legal Centre (MHLC) to update MHLC’s Online Help service with new mental health laws.

The new laws in Victoria give people with mental health challenges more choice and power to make decisions about their care and treatment. The new laws also make sure that their families, carers and supporters are involved.

The Online Help service provides targeted information to mental health consumers, their families, friends and carers and referring organisations. New content includes updates to legal rights around treatment and support, and areas of law where MHLC can help.